Borrower | Consortium | SPV
Certificates of incorporation and Memorandums of Articles of Association in local and/or offshore domicile.
Register of shareholders and mandated authorized signatories.
Corporate directors (e.g. CVs) experience / expertise information.
General information about the enterprise (or institution), its legal status, principal partners and shareholders, organizational structure:
– Where the proposed Borrower | Consortium | SPV of the GF | CL1.2 loan is not the same as the Promoter of the project, similar information is required from both.
– Legal documents covering incorporation, statutes, activities, accounting policies, management, ownership, audited financial statements (balance sheets, profit and loss and cashflow statements) for the last three financial years, details of short, medium and long-term liabilities, list and description of tangible and intangible assets class on current FS|GAAP and forecasted valuation of incoming assets(if any), dividend distribution policy and financial forecasts.